

April 1954

The Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction established our predecessor – the Forest Resource & Land Use Survey Team.

January 1959

The Agricultural & Forestry Aerial Survey Team was established and became a unit of the Department of Agriculture & Forestry. In addition to carrying out surveys on the forest resources and land use, our team also engaged in the small-scale topographic map production projects.

July 1973

Our team was reorganized and became a unit of the Forestry Bureau. We were responsible for creating large-scale orthophoto base maps of Taiwan, conducting aerial surveys on agricultural and forest resources, and remote sensing activities.

February 1981

Our team was expanded and renamed as the Aerial Survey Office, subordinate to the Taiwan Forestry Bureau, the Department of Agriculture & Forestry of the Taiwan Provincial Government. We continued to carry out activities in producing aerial survey maps, surveying agricultural and forest resources, and conducting remote sensing activities.

July 1999

The Aerial Survey Office became a unit of the Forestry Bureau, the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.

December 2022

In line with the national aviation remote measurement aircraft update plan, a cutting-edge aerial remote measurement aircraft, the King Air 360ER, has been successfully launched. This advanced aircraft has been deployed to execute highprecision aerial photography missions in collaboration with quality private operators.

August 2023

The Aerial Survey Office became a unit of the Aerial Survey and Remote Sensing Branch, Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, Ministry of Agriculture(ASRSB,FNCA).
Visit counts:4937 Last updated on:2023-08-01