


In order that aerial photograph can be quickly used, they are rectified into orthophotos. Since September 2001, the position, attitude values, as well as digital image of the photograph at the moment of being taken were obtained after decoded by using GPS together with IMU. By using the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) together, the center projected aerial photographs were rectified pixel by pixel into orthophotos. Then, comments (map number, map name, coordinates, and fixed scale) were added.

  • Product Type: Orthophoto –Paper Maps
    Specification: Scale 1/5000
    Price: NT$600
  • Product Type: Orthophoto – Image File
    Specification: TIF and TFW file , Dxf 
    Price: NT$1200 , value-added use price:NT$3600
Visit counts:4819 Last updated on:2023-03-14